How To Care Your Human Hair Wigs In Winter?
2022-November-14-Mon 12:12:58:PM AUTHOR:AniceKissHow To Care Your Human Hair Wigs In Winter?
Tips about caring your human hair wigs in winter
Do you have the feeling that your human hair wigs become frizzy and flat much more easily recently? That’s because the cold weather is here. We’re in the middle of winter, so it’s time to take care of our human hair wigs. Cold weather can be harsh on wigs because it dries the hair quickly, which makes your wig brittle. Here are few tips about caring your human hair wigs in winter. Let’s protect your units together!
1. Keep your wigs moisture
The wind and low humidity can be damaging to your human hair wigs. They’ll dry out your hair, and they your wigs will become brittle and prone to breaking. So you need to keep your hair moist. Wash your hair with moisturizing shampoo and deep conditioning your hair is the easiest way to keep your hair moist.
2. Stop using styling tools
A heated styling tool can dry out your wig, which can be fine in humid weather, but disastrous in dry weather. So put your curling irons, flat irons, hot rollers and hair dryers into storage. Rather than using a hair drying, you’d better just air dry your human hair wigs.
3. Cover up your wig
During winter, humidity may be low, but you still don’t want your wig to get wet, which can make it frizzy. You’d better not to expose your hair to cold and dry weather. Cover up and protect your hair when you’re going to be outside. A silk scarf is a perfect way to protect your hair from environmental moisture.
4. Take care of tangles
Human hair wigs are more prone to breakage, frizz, and damage during winter. Strong winds are more common in the winter, which will make your wigs tangle fast. To keep your hair from getting tangled during the winter, brush your wig daily. Brush your hair with a wide-tooth comb to detangle your hair. Always brush your hair from the bottom, and do not try to pull out the tangles in your hair.