How to dye your lace front wig without dying the lace?
2022-June-20-Mon 04:24:10:PM AUTHOR:AniceKissHow to dye your lace front wig without dying the lace?
It is easy and valuable to change hairstyles and colors quickly and easily with lace front wigs. To dye your front lace wig safely without damaging it, you may want to know how to dye it safely. If you ever wondered how you can dye your lace frontal without getting color on the actual lace, this blog article is going to show you the secrets.
Things you are going to need for dying the hair:
1. An application brush
2. Vaseline
3. Gloves
4. Hair dye
Step 1
Firstly, you’re gonna need some Vasseline, just smooth it out and spread it all on the bottom of the lace.
Step 2
Put your wig on a canvas head so that you can get ready to dye it.
Step 3
Using your application brush, dip it into the dye and brush it very carefully across the root area.
Step 4
When you have finished rinsing your hair, blow dry it or let it air dry.